Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Policy

Sendrato Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Policy

Introduction and Scope

Sendrato recognises the inherent risk of our products and services being exploited for money laundering and terrorism financing. We are committed to complying with Australian law and other applicable regulations to identify, manage, and mitigate these risks. Failure to adhere to these laws and regulations could result in significant penalties and damage to our reputation.

Our AML/CTF Policy

  • Is designed to ensure compliance with legislative obligations.
  • Applies to all business divisions and employees, including third-party providers, both in Australia and overseas.


  • Money Laundering: The act of disguising the origins of illegally obtained funds.
  • Terrorism Financing: The act of providing financial support to terrorist activities.

Customer Identification

Before engaging in any designated services, customers are required to provide proof of identity. The types of customers we deal with include:

  • Personal
  • Sole Traders
  • Domestic and Foreign Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Trusts
  • Associations
  • Registered Co-operatives
  • Government Bodies


Employees are trained to identify and report any suspicious activities that may indicate money laundering or terrorism financing.

Key AML/CTF Principles

  • Comply with AML/CTF legislation in the countries we operate in.
  • Strive to meet international standards.
  • Work in conjunction with governmental bodies.
  • Make decisions based on ML/TF risk appetite and corporate social responsibility.
  • Maintain and comply with an AML/CTF program

Policy Roles and Responsibilities

Sendrato Company Directors and Senior Management oversee the AML/CTF policy. All employees must comply with this policy and undergo role-specific training.

Monitoring and Reporting

We report to our payment acquiring partner for:

  • Electronic transfers into or out of Australia.
  • Any suspicious activities.

Australian Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Sendrato Australia Pty Ltd


1.1 Sendrato Australia Pty Ltd ABN 98 605 555 833 (we, us, or our) has adopted this Privacy Policy to ensure that we have standards in place to protect the Personal Information that we collect about individuals. This information is necessary and incidental to:

(a) Providing the systems and services that we offer; and
(b) The normal day-to-day operations of our business, including compliance with AML and KYC regulations.

1.2 This Privacy Policy follows the standards of the Australian Privacy Principles set by the Australian Government for the handling of Personal Information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

1.3 By publishing this Privacy Policy, we aim to make it easy for our customers and the public to understand what Personal Information we collect and store, why we do so, how we receive and/or obtain that information, and the rights an individual has with respect to their Personal Information in our possession.


2.1 Our Privacy Policy deals with how we handle “personal information” as defined in the Privacy Act (Personal Information).

2.2 We handle Personal Information in our own right and also for and on behalf of our customers and users.

2.3 Our Privacy Policy does not apply to information we collect about businesses or companies, but it does apply to information about the people in those businesses or companies that we store.

2.4 The Privacy Policy applies to all forms of information, physical and digital, whether collected or stored electronically or in hardcopy.

2.5 If an individual provides Personal Information or other information about someone other than themselves, they warrant that they have that person's consent to provide such information for the specified purpose.

2.6 Our website and services are unavailable to children (persons under the age of 18 years) without their parent or guardian’s consent.


3.1 In the course of business, we collect Personal Information necessary for our operations. This information allows us to identify individuals, share Personal Information when asked, contact individuals, and transact with them. The type of information we may collect includes but is not limited to:

(a) Personal Information, such as name, location, date of birth, nationality, family details, and other information defined as “Personal Information” in the Privacy Act;
(b) Contact Information, including email address, telephone & fax number, third-party usernames, residential, business, and postal address;
(c) Financial Information, such as bank or credit card details used for transactions;
(d) Statistical Information, for statistical purposes; and
(e) AML/KYC Information, required for compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.


4.1 Most information will be collected when individuals use a smart wristband, make an inquiry, or interact with us in various ways.

(a) Registrations, Bookings, and Transactions. When individuals register or make a booking, they provide Personal Information details;
(b) Supply. When individuals supply goods or services to us;
(c) Contact. When individuals contact us in any way;
(d) Access. When individuals access us physically or through the internet; and/or
(e) Pixel Tags. Pixel tags enable us to send email messages in a readable format and track email opens.

4.2 We will ensure that individuals are aware of when their Personal Information is being collected, both electronically and physically.

4.3 Where we obtain Personal Information without an individual’s knowledge, we will either delete/destroy the information or inform the individual that we hold such information, following the Australian Privacy Principles.


5.1 In general, we will not use Personal Information other than for the purpose for which it was collected, except with the individual’s permission.

5.2 We will retain Personal Information for the necessary period, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

5.3 If it is necessary to disclose an individual’s Personal Information to third parties compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles, we will inform the individual.

5.4 We will not disclose or sell Personal Information to unrelated third parties under any circumstances.

5.5 Information is used for purposes including:

(a) Providing goods and services;
(b) Verifying identity;
(c) Communicating with individuals;
(d) Investigating complaints or unlawful activity; and/or
(e) As required or permitted by law.

5.6 Some circumstances require us to disclose an individual’s information, such as legal obligations.

5.7 We will not disclose Personal Information to entities outside of Australia without similar privacy safeguards.

5.8 We may use third-party service providers (e.g., Gmail, MailChimp) for communication and contact storage, which may be located in the United States.


6.1 An individual may choose to have us collect their Personal Information or exclude themselves from some or all collection.

6.2 If an individual believes they received information from us without their consent, they should contact us.


7.1 We may appoint a Privacy Officer to oversee this Privacy Policy and compliance with the Privacy Act.

7.2 We will take reasonable precautions to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access.

7.3 We use SSL encryption to store and transfer Personal Information, but online security cannot be guaranteed.

7.4 We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of third parties.

7.5 Suspected misuse or unauthorized access to Personal Information should be reported.

7.6 We are not liable for losses resulting from authorized use of Personal Information.

8. Verification of Identity for AML/KYC Compliance

Disclosure for Verification

In accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) (AML/CTF Act) and associated rules and regulations, Sendrato may be required to disclose your full name, residential address, and date of birth to a third-party service provider. This service provider may, in turn, provide this information to a credit reporting agency (CRA) to assess the accuracy of the identification information provided.

Document Verification Services

Additional verification processes may be conducted, which may involve your personal details being cross-verified with the document issuer or official record holder for further validation.

CRA Assessment

The CRA may compare the details you have provided with the personal information they hold (including names, residential addresses, and dates of birth of other individuals) for the purpose of verifying your identity.

Notification and Record-Keeping

The assessment will be provided to Sendrato, or its designated agent, solely for the purpose of identity verification. If we are unable to verify your identity using the information held by the CRA, we will notify you, providing the name of the CRA involved, and offer you the opportunity to update your information with the CRA. Records of the verification request will be maintained by both Sendrato and the CRA for a period of 7 years from the date of the request. You have the right to request access to these records.


9.1 Users of Sendrato can update their Personal Information from within their Sendrato account or profile.

9.2 Subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, an individual has the right to request from us the Personal Information that we have about them, and we have an obligation to provide them with such information within 28 days of receiving their written request.

9.3 If an individual cannot update its own information, we will correct any errors in the Personal Information we hold about an individual within 7 days of receiving written notice from them about those errors.

9.4 It is an individual’s responsibility to provide us with accurate and truthful Personal Information. We cannot be liable for any information that is provided to us that is incorrect.

9.5 We may charge an individual a reasonable fee for our costs incurred in meeting any of their requests to disclose the Personal Information we hold about them.


10.1 If an individual has a complaint about our handling of their Personal Information, they should address their complaint in writing to the details below.

10.2 If we have a dispute regarding an individual’s Personal Information, we both must first attempt to resolve the issue directly between us.

10.3 If we become aware of any unauthorised access to an individual’s Personal Information we will inform them at the earliest practical opportunity once we have established what was accessed and how it was accessed.


11.1 From time to time, we may send an individual important notices, such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important to the individual’s interaction with us, they may not opt out of receiving these communications.


12.1 All correspondence with regards to privacy should be addressed to:

The Privacy Officer
Sendrato Australia Pty Ltd

You may contact the Privacy Officer by email in the first instance.


13.1 If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on our webpage at Please refer back to this Privacy Policy to review any amendments.

13.2 We may do things in addition to what is stated in this Privacy Policy to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, and nothing in this Privacy Policy shall deem us to have not complied with the Australian Privacy Principles.

April 2023